MM&K is a leading independent consultancy specialising in the planning, design, and implementation of business-driven pay and reward strategies.
Our consultants’ areas of expertise include executive compensation, employee share plans, remuneration governance, business management, valuation and statistics. Our multi-disciplinary approach to remuneration is always tailored to individual client requirements.
We pride ourselves on maintaining a good reputation for quality work. Our core values are: independence, professional advice, credibility and delivery, doing what we say we will do and successfully implementing our agreed recommendations. We publish market-leading pay policy and practice surveys for specific sectors. Access to this data and market knowledge further boosts our comparative remuneration analyses and the robustness of our recommendations.
Executive Remuneration
MM&K advises and supports companies and their remuneration committees, and assist to put in place executives’ and directors’ remuneration policies and practices, which support the nature and culture of the business and its strategic objectives.
Private Equity Remuneration
Survey and advice on remuneration policy and practice in the private equity and venture capital industry. MM&K advises PE and VC houses on their remuneration structures including carried interest and co-investment plans in both independent and captive houses.
Pay Surveys
MM&K publish a number of market leading pay surveys to complement our core consulting operations, all of which are designed to keep abreast of the latest trends and developments within their sectors.
Share Plans
MM&K offers companies a comprehensive Director and Employee Share Plan solutions, including Design, Implementation, Valuation and Ongoing Support. We work with a wide range of companies, large and small, quoted and unquoted, many of which have employees globally.
Succession Planning
At MM&K, we can call upon a wide range of skills and experience in order to provide assistance which appreciates and provides working solutions to the difficulties raised by succession planning.
Human Capital Advisory
As leading independent advisers, MM&K is dedicated to unlocking the inherent potential within organisations. Our approach is tailored to sustain high performance, even in challenging economic climates.
Please get in touch with any enquiries about our services.
Feel free to get in touch with any enquiries you may have, about MM&K or our services – we look forward to hearing from you.
Contact Us
Registered Address: 6th Floor, Kings House, 9/10 Haymarket, London, SW1Y 4BP | Company Registration No: 1983794 | VAT Registration No: 577735784
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