How have salaries changed for Investment Professionals in Private Equity firms?
March 15, 2023
MM&K has now released the 2022 edition of its Private Equity and Venture Capital report. In this article, we take a look at how salaries for Investment Roles have changed each year since 2019 and how this compares with inflation.
The graph below shows the average change in base salary across all Investment Professional roles compared with the annual rate of inflation for the year. As we can see, both lines follow a similar shape which suggests that salary has, in fact, been adjusted broadly in line with inflation.
Inflation data collected from UK Historical Inflation Rates – 1988 to 2023 | Inflation Rate and Consumer Price Index (
Interestingly, from 2019 to 2021, average salaries for Investment Professionals were increasing at a higher rate than inflation, and it was only in 2022, which saw exceptionally high growth in inflation, that salary increases came in lower. Even then, salary increases were only 1% less than inflation.
In conclusion, it appears that salary increases for Private Equity Investment Professionals have followed inflation, even in periods of very high inflation rates that have seen many companies in other sectors fail to provide similar levels of increase.
MM&K has recently released the 2022 version of its Private Equity and Venture Capital Report, detailing all remuneration elements and trends throughout the year. To find out more, please click here.
MM&K has also just launched the 2023 Private Equity / Venture Capital Pulse Survey. This Pulse Survey is a short survey that focuses on the most recent compensation developments in the Private Equity / Venture Capital industry.
If you are working in a Private Equity / Infrastructure / Venture Capital firm and you believe that it would be helpful for your firm to participate this year, please contact Margarita Skripina.
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